Best Business-to-Business AwardTradeshow, Conference or Event by Association
Nominations for this award are due by February 28, 2023 at 11:59pm. This award is given to the organizers of the Best B2B tradeshow, conference or event. Judges will be looking for creativity, expertise and success in all areas including the following: Innovation and originality in design and delivery Commercial success Great feedback / buy-in from sponsors / exhibitors / visitors / delegates as appropriate Strong marketing / branding and future growth prospects Attendance. Nominations for this award are due by February 28, 2023 at 11:59pm. |
Entrants will be given 1,000 words in which to persuade the judges that their entry should win any Charity Event Awards category. You may also attach up to 3 pieces of supporting information.
This award recognizes innovation in the charity events field. Judges will be looking for imaginative approaches and inspired ideas. Entrants should demonstrate the following:
Creativity and effectiveness in all aspects of the event.
Demonstrable innovative approaches and tangible differentiators
Positive feedback from attendees/sponsors and winners on how well the event was received
Novelty and innovation in marketing the event and achieving the goals
Measurable outcomes and successes in terms of level of attendance, funds-raised and targets met
New and innovative approaches to enhance the event experience
All fields are required. In case of technical difficulties entrants are advised to print a version of their core entry in a word document prior to submitting their entry.
This award recognizes innovation in the charity events field. Judges will be looking for imaginative approaches and inspired ideas. Entrants should demonstrate the following:
Creativity and effectiveness in all aspects of the event.
Demonstrable innovative approaches and tangible differentiators
Positive feedback from attendees/sponsors and winners on how well the event was received
Novelty and innovation in marketing the event and achieving the goals
Measurable outcomes and successes in terms of level of attendance, funds-raised and targets met
New and innovative approaches to enhance the event experience
All fields are required. In case of technical difficulties entrants are advised to print a version of their core entry in a word document prior to submitting their entry.
In case of technical difficulties entrants are advised to print a version of their core entry in a word document prior to submitting their entry.
Entrants have a maximum of 1,000 words in which to convince the judges that they are worthy of winning this award. 3 files of supporting material of no more than 4 pages each can also be included. Video footage can be also submitted but should be sent as a link within the main body of the entry and should be no more than 2 minutes in length.
Please include information which will convince the judges that this entry is worthy of winning the award. Suggestions as to what could be covered are listed below.
Entrants have a maximum of 1,000 words in which to convince the judges that they are worthy of winning this award. 3 files of supporting material of no more than 4 pages each can also be included. Video footage can be also submitted but should be sent as a link within the main body of the entry and should be no more than 2 minutes in length.
Please include information which will convince the judges that this entry is worthy of winning the award. Suggestions as to what could be covered are listed below.
- Give some background to the event including how it originated. What did the event set out to achieve? Outline any specific goals or targets you had at the outset.
- How did your event challenge the participants, mentally or physically?
- Outline your marketing strategies including any novel approaches and techniques you used to promote the event, including key partnerships with third parties, direct and online marketing, and the use of social media.
- Describe the features of the event which made it appealing to those who took part. How did you manage to successfully implement these?
- Outline the success of the event in terms of the audience size and profile as well as feedback from entrants and any other criteria you would use to measure the success of an event. Also outline these results against any targets you set at the outset.
- Give any other information regarding the event which you think would help convince the judges that your event should win this award. What makes your event so unique? In what ways have you been particularly innovative?
- Insert your submission here (Max 1,000 words)
- Charity logo no larger than 2MB: If files are larger than 2MB please email to: [email protected]
Supporting Materials
Please attach any relevant support material – testimonials, research, performance analysis, collateral, screen grabs, pictures etc. Entrants may attach up to 3 files of supporting material of no more than 4 pages each.
Attached files must be no larger than 2 MB each, documents must be in .pdf or .doc (word) format, images must be in .jpg or .gif format.
Attached files must be no larger than 2 MB each, documents must be in .pdf or .doc (word) format, images must be in .jpg or .gif format.
Movie/Video Footage
If movie files exceed the 2MB allowance, please include a link to the video/movie hosted on a web page. Links to FTP sites will not be accepted. If you wish to send any files larger than 2MB please email them directly to: [email protected]